What do we imply? What do we mean? When we say "It's about the learning, it's about what's best for kids." How do we really know? This somewhat benign statement has been the foundation of exclusion for years. Now we say RtI will fix the problem, except for the fact that now we've just found another way to exclude. For example, a stdt w a primary disability of SLD & a secondary of EBD who's achievement falls 2 grade levels below expected performance benchmarks for both math & reading. Both areas have highly sequential and ordered task requirements in demonstrating proficiency, yet instead of providing intervention in the classroom to build logical models/competencies of processing and expressing we find a "program", a research based curriculum to target the deficit. Meanwhile, in order to be a part of this intervention this student must be pulled from class for "specialized instruction", pulled from class altogether and placed into an "intervention replacement", and the list goes on. WE MUST STOP placing students in full replacement courses, exchanging elective classes for a targeted math intervention, etc. If it's about the learning, if it's about what's best for kids, our teachers need tools to apply practical, effective intervention in the in the classroom. Looking at a set of student test scores should not indicate intervention placement. That's reactive, poorly planned & purposeless intervention. This kind of reactivity to intervene (because the intervention is there, it has 10 spots, so let's try it) is not what's best for kids. This "hit-and-hope" style of planning makes it about the intervention and not about the learning. Teachers should be experienced, possibly, dare I say, expert learners. So in this fashion I again challenge all educators to learn. Learn about their students & their profession. To reflect. To reflect upon their practice, their interactions, their experience, the experience of their students. To build. To build with those who can lead, inspire and excite. Finally, I challenge teachers to explore. Explore the dreams of their students, explore the possibilities of imagination, and to explore new ways to learn. This is where intervention begins.
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