The Networked Teacher (Photo courtesy of Flikr user- courosa's photostream) |
Social Media
- Why Social Media Can and Is Changing Educationby George Couros (@gcouroson twitter)
- Twitter as a Professional Development Toolby Jane Hart (@c4lpton Twitter)
- Social Networking Links & Informationlist compiled by Chris Vacek (@ChrisVacekon twitter)
- Stepping Up and Staying Relevantby Diane Lauer (@MrsLaueron twitter)
Building Your PLN - Your Professional/Personal Learning Network is only as valuable as the resources and people within it. Here are some great places to begin when building your own PLN
- Twitter4Teachers wiki by Gina Hartman (@ghartman on twitter)
What tools can I integrate easily?
Social Media & Collaborative Tools-
- Sign up for Twitter Twitter Sign-Up
- TwitTip- news & information about twitter
- Strategies for educators using twitter Twitter Strategiesby Tom Whitby (@TomWhitbyon twitter)
- 10 Steps for Educators New to Justin Tarte (@justintarteon twitter)
- Jerry "The Cybraryman" Blumengarten's twitter resources page(@cybraryman1on twitter)
- TweetChat TweetChat helps put your blinders on to the Twitter-sphere while you monitor and chat about one topic.
- Wordpress, Edublogs, Blogger, Posterous, Tumblr,...
- BVSD into the World by Donna Miers (@BVSDsped on twitter)
- Intercultural Responsiveness by Tom altepeter (@tomaltepeter on twitter)
- PBworks, Wikispaces,...
- Miers Transition- Transition Resources by Donna Miers (@BVSDsped on twitter)
- The #spedchat Project
Document Sharing
- Google Docs
- Using Google Docs -via JeffCo Schools, Colorado
Social Bookmarking
- Diigo, Delicious, StumbleUpon
Cloud Computing- Web Based File Hosting
- DropBox,, Evernote, Simplenote,
- DropBox tips and tricks
- Cybraryman's Drop Box Page
Web 2.0 (web based tools)
- Tools & Applications from GO2WEB20- A great place to find new tools to use