I believe that the context of specific schools cannot be ignored, and thus I would like to open this question to special educators, special service providers, principals, general educators, parents, and all others interested. I am curious of the experience of others in this area of school improvement.
**Where do special educators fit into these teams?
**Does a mixed model of consultation and direct service provision work?
What are your thoughts?
Gallimore, R., Ermeling, B.A., Saunders, W.M., Goldenberg, C. (2009). Moving the Learning of Teaching Closer to Practice: Teacher Education Implications of School-Based Inquiry Teams. The Elementary School Journal. 109(5).
At our school special education teachers meet with other teachers, guidance and admin as a team twice a month to discuss strategy for helping those kids who need support. Often, though I am asked to be on ad hoc teams because of my spec. ed. background. At my school at least, I feel that my spec. ed. expertise and experience is valued and my contribution is appreciated by my colleagues as well as students and parent/guardians.